Tree surveys and arboricultural consultancy services
London, Kent, Surrey and throughout the United Kingdom

Email: info@adtrees.co.uk
Tel: 07976 780785
Tree inspection & management
Where trees, people and property exist in close proximity to one another there is a risk that without management a tree could cause damage or injury if a branch, or even the whole tree, fails. If trees are regularly checked and managed by a competent person the risks can be kept low. This is important as every tree owner has a duty of care to make sure their trees do not cause foreseeable harm to other persons or property. Failure to fulfill this duty can result in claims of negligence against the tree owner if an accident happens.

AD Tree Consulting can provide a comprehensive hazard and risk evaluation of your trees, with recommendations for any necessary remedial works. The level of inspection can range from a walk through survey, looking for obvious problems within a large tree stock, to a detailed inspection of an individual tree. Population management plans can also be provided to enable the tree owner to plan for the future. Whatever the type of inspection you require you can be assured that no work will be recommended for your tree unless it is justified.
AD Tree Consulting does not undertake tree surgery works, so you can be assured of impartial advice at all times. If remedial work to your trees is needed then we can arrange for a suitably qualified and insured contractor to help you.
To discuss your needs please contact us and we'll be happy to help.