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Alastair Durkin BSc (Hons) [Arb] MICFor FArborA

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Alastair is a Chartered Arboriculturist, Institute of Chartered Foresters Registered Consultant and Fellow of the Arboricultural Association. He has worked within the arboricultural and land based sectors for over 25 years.


Alastair specialises in the provision of bespoke arboricultural advice in relation to planning and building development (BS5837) and takes pride in identifying and solving his client's problems before they arise, and fixing problems if they already exist . With 19 years experience working within a local planning authority - responsible for the management of the planning tree service, he has extensive experience in relation to trees within planning policy, and trees and the law - particularly within the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and associated Tree Preservation Regulations.





  • BSc (Hons) Arboriculture [First Class]

  • FdSc Arboriculture

  • LANTRA Professional Tree Inspection

  • National Diploma: Land and Countryside Studies - Forestry


  • Institute of Chartered Foresters Professional Member (MICFor)

  • Institute of Chartered Foresters Registered Consultant

  • Arboricultural Association Fellow Member (FArborA)


Membership No: FE01692

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